Welcome to Selenium
Selenium is a free (open source) automated testing suite for web applications across different browsers and platforms. It is quite similar to HP Quick Test Pro (QTP now UFT) only that Selenium focuses on automating web-based applications.
Why Selenium ?
Support Language
Constant Updates
Ease of implementation
Course Content - Selenium
Introduction to Automation Testing
- What is automation testing?
- When Automation Testing is needed?
- When Automation Testing is not needed?
- What is the use of automation testing?
- Different Automation Tools available in the Market.
- What is the difference between Selenium and QTP?
Introduction to Selenium:
- What is Selenium?
- Advantages of Selenium
Components in Selenium
- IDE Overview
- RC Overview
- Selenium-Grid
- Selenium Web Driver/Selenium 3.0
Selenium IDE
- Installing IDE
- IDE icons
- Recording your first test with IDE
- IDE Context Menu
- Assert
- Verify
- Adding IDE comments
- Synchronization commands
- Working on pages with AJAX
- Storing elements
- Creating test suites
- Tools to identify elements/objects
- Firebug
- IE Developer tools
- Locating elements by ID
- Finding elements by name
- Finding elements by link text
- Finding elements by XPath
- Finding Elements by using CSS
- Summary
- Some Special IDE commands
- Write your own IDE script without record and playback
Basics of Java – Introdution Of Java
- Java Installation
- Introduction to all predefined packages
- More about JVM,JRE&JDK
- Types of Variables
- Data Types in Java
Object Oriented Programming Concepts
- Introduction to OOPS
- Class
- Object
- Local, Instance and static variables
- Constructors
- Methods
- Arrays
- This keyword
- Final Keyword
- Encapsulation
- Inheritance and Types
- Working with super classes and subclasses
- Super Keyword
- Using types of polymorphism such as overloading, overriding, and dynamic binding
- Abstraction
- Encapsulation
- Abstract classes
- Interfaces
- String Methods
- Collections
- Exception Handling
I/O Streams
- I/O using Java
- Files (Create/Read/Write operations on files)
- Reading data from Property files using java program
- Reading and Writing data from/to Excel files using Apache POI API and JXL API
Selenium Web Driver
- Selenium Architecture
- Downloading web driver Jars configuring in eclipse
- Architecture of selenium web driver
- Drivers for Firefox, IE, Chrome, IPhone, Android etc
- What is the difference between RC and WD?
- Installing and Configuring Eclipse for Web Driver
Exploring Web Driver
- Edit box
- Link
- Button
- Checkbox
- Radio Button
- Drop Down Box
- Select value
- Display all values
- Select values step by step
- Capture screenshots
- Synchronization Commands In Web Driver
- Implicit wait
- Explicit wait
- Web Driver wait
- File uploads and File downloads
- Handling alerts
- Handling confirmation messages
- Keyboard actions
- Mouse actions
- Handling I frames
- Handling multiple tabs
- Handling popups
- Preparing web driver test cases using customized x-path
- Handling WebTables
- Data Driven using Excel, Property File, XML & Database
- Logging using Log4j
Selenium GRID
- Establish Hub & Node
- Integrating WebDriver & GRID
- What is a Framework
- Types of Frameworks
- What is linear framework
- What is modular framework
- What is data driven framework
- What is keyword driven framework
- What is hybrid framework
- POM Design Pattern
- Advantages of POM
- Implementing Project using POM Framework
- Use of framework
- Explaining about your framework
- How to develop a framework
- Integration of the framework
- How to execute scripts from framework
TestNG Framework
- How to Install TestNG plug-in in Eclipse?
- TestNG Annotations
- TestNG sample script
- Writing Selenium testing script from scratch
- Creating Test suites using TestNG
- Reports generation using TestNG
- Parameterized test cases using TestNG framework
- Preparing TestNG Parallel Suite
- Running test multiple times, depends on Methods,Grouping
- TestNG Listener Sample Program
- Installing Extent Report Plugin in Eclipse
- Methods in Extent Report
- Extent Report Implementation
Build Tools
- Maven/ANT
- Implementing TestNG using Maven/ANT
CI Tools
- Introduction to Jenkins
Infycle Technologies
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